Sunday, January 30, 2011
Friday, January 28, 2011
Walking in the Snow
Doh! What is becoming of this--some kind of Dear Diary affair?!!
No, but I don't want you to forget the walk so warm, and the deepening crystalline snow flakes sharp enough to know to be gentle, and a strange hyphen in a wonderful name.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Sometime, though, it's impossible.
{sigh!} fantastic.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Comes to mind.
in the snow;
He's been gone for such a time, and she's still young,
you know.
Her colour was blush and I asked if she was cold.
She said no.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
So, when I've had a few too many, I will call on my host to summon me a taximeter-equipped cabriolet. That is to say I haven't, but I will.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Third-hand Smoke Poses Risk, Say Physicians
"Third-hand" smoke — which lingers in cars, on furniture and on smokers themselves after a cigarette is extinguished — leaves toxic chemicals that crawling children can ingest, say pediatricians.
Expect more warnings as scientists in two separate studies are currently exploring the effects of reading emails sent by smokers and sharing linen with anyone who has ever visited Virginia.
Big news in Canada
The Dire Straights song Money for Nothing has been banned from play on Canadian private radio by its own private watchdog. The use of the word "faggot" several times in the second verse had offended a single listener in Newfoundland. Personally, I think as an homage to Kanye West they should allow it to be played with the word "nigger" edited in. They can recycle the ones still lying on the floor from the Huckleberry Finn audio books.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Bad Poetry
Hush, old woman;
You gave me your body,
Your lashes when curly;
Your cheek when smooth,
Hush, old woman,
It is no longer early.
Hush, Hush, old woman;
You gave me your troth,
When I lied, when I lay
In the depth of my sin;
Hush, old woman,
On wake’s wedding day.
Hush now, woman;
You gave me my babies,
Tendered in pain;
Bawling, squalling, noisome brats;
Hush, but woman,
All anon gone again.
Hush old woman;
You gave me your youth,
Wasted wakefulness,
Breath, time; My wickedness;
Hush, old woman,
It is done, long-tooth.
Hush, old woman;
You gave me your tear,
Fear, and pure ivor’ prayer;
I lay in a ghost of your pain;
Hush! Hush woman,
Not now long, He deign.
Hush, Hush! Hush, old woman;
You give me a black dress,
White face to the sky;
Fain whisper your incense
To Purgatory;
It is over; And may be for ill,
But accomplished: lowly test;
Now hush, old woman,
And go to your rest.
Tuesday, January 04, 2011
Good for some LAFS
About Me

- cricket
- I'd be a blackguard and a cad, if I weren't so ineffectual. The less said "About Me", the better.